Finished! Added some more elements, improved the colours, and finished the text. Now, for the story!
(I'll edit my original post to include the story)

### LATEST WIP ###


The river captains who ply their trade on the Yondabakari river have many dangers to account for before
reaching Magnimar, yet even the best are often lulled into a false sense of safety so close to their destination.
Though the trip through the Mushfens is usually quite uneventful, the final bends of the Yondabakari take you
through an area the locals refer to as Murmurcreek Marsh.

All captains are advised to keep well clear of the southern shore, teeming as it is with wild tribes of Goblins.
Though they've always been a menace, ever since the mysterious structure known as the Seat of Marug was
erected, a near religious fervor has taken hold of the tribes. On a clear day, a sailor who climbs the mast when
the ship reaches the actual Murmurcreek will be able to spot the crudely wrought edifice in the distance, it's rough
stone slabs littered with Goblin sigils and trophies.

Soon after, a thankful crew can take shelter with the small hamlets on the northern coast. These peat farmers and
woodsmen eke out a hard life here, and ask a hefty fee for their shelter. Wether you are a pennyless traveler or a
profit-seeking captain, beware of greed! For the boggard stalk the southern shore and will gladly swim north for easy
prey, and even a stout and armed crew is no match for the wraiths and whisps that haunt the sunken cairns. Only
these few hamlets appear to be safe from both boggard and ghost, and rumor has it the Fae of the Whisperwood protect
them. Why these creatures would do so is any man's guess.

Another day's sailing ahead one will round one of the last bends of the river, and behind the grim mounds of ancient tombs
the welcome sight of the Yondabar Garrison will beckon. In Ropemen Dock, straight across the garrison, one can hire
a guide to traverse the ever-shifting bends of Last Crawl, and travel on to Magnimar beyond.