Yep, the launch went really well. Unfortunately things haven't been so rosy since then. They had a massive helium leak that meant that the magnets warmed up by around 100 degrees and stopped being superconducting. That lead to a small explosion in the tunnel. Nothing too serious thankfully, but it means it needs to be slowly warmed up (takes a few weeks), checked and fixed and then cooled back down again. They won't get it cold again until the scheduled winter shutdown so no more particles in the pipe until the spring restart at full energy. It shouldn't affect anything as spring was the scheduled start of the full energy beam anyway, but it is an unfortunate turn of events.

I almost missed it in the news as I was away getting married. Now that is done, all I have is the small issue of moving country before I am a regular on the boards again. Here's looking forward to a good October! (No one's got a spare flat in NYC they just happen to need to let do they? )