Greetings, fellow cartographers!

I have to admit that I lack the skills displayed by some of you here in these forums but I have just bought Campaign Cartographer 3+ and Cosmographer to pimp the maps for my science fiction pen & paper roleplaying campaign PANEC. Until now I am using Adobe Illustrator to create more or less simple maps without any ornaments or a specific style to speak of.

That's why I came here. To learn.

In case you wonder what PANEC stands for. It is Post Apocalyptic Near Earth Campaign. The whole storyline is set about 200 years in the future in a region not more than 50 lightyears from Earth. If you want to read more please head over to the PANEC website. It is all German because I do live in Germany and all my players are also German ...

But back to map-making. I'd like to get some constructive criticism on this one, it shows the city of Hells Gate on the planet of the same name in a region named extended Corporate Sector (you will also find a map of the known galaxy on the above mentioned website).


Do you think it is possible to re-create this map using CC3? If so how do I tackle this one?

Thanks for reading. I'll happily answer any questions you might have.