I have to agree. Though the copy is a good one and I don't have issues with the creation of inspired works as fan art, sale of a piece like this would absolutely infringe on the copyright that WotC holds.

Creation is fine, wholesale duplication and commercial profit is not.

That's why I don't create and sell unauthorized maps of the Forgotten Realms. Even though they would be popular.

I work closely with Wizards and the only prints of D&D maps I sell to fans are ones I've been specifically contracted by them to make. Because of my contract, I am allowed to sell copies of the work I do for them but you won't ever see me selling unauthorized maps based on their (or anyone else's) intellectual property.

Again, making replications is fine, just don't sell them. Particularly where the copyright holder is a potential client like WotC. Otherwise, legal consequences and reputation hits might be hard to recover from.

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