I'm not allowed in the Lite Challenge any more, but I loved the idea of making a book cover. So I stood like a poor kid outside the sweetie shop with my nose pressed against the glass until Bogie took pity on me and let me join in. Or something like that.

I said this already in the challenge thread, I think, but I'll repeat it here... I've had a notion for a while to make a map focused on the route of the Orient Express. I wanted to do a 'Great Gatsby' art deco theme with lots of gold ornaments and whatnot. And someday I may yet make that map. But for now, I've settled on Murder on the Orient Express, because who doesn't enjoy a nice grisly murder, amirite?

Most of the bits and pieces, apart from the train, are from various sites around the web. The text on the cover came from Amazon, along with the price. The author signature is a vectorised image of her actual sig. The barcode is genuine, generated in Inkscape. (It works! if you've got a barcode scanner on your phone, scan it.) The train was all me, after much studying of Thomas the Tank Engine and friends.

I had a blast making this, so thanks again to Bogie for letting me participate.
