@kpadua Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliments.

Ok, I went in and touched up the mountains to make them appear less like a patter overlay and more like mountains drawn in ... not the greatest of jobs, but I'm tired of looking at mountains... lol

Went in and redid the forest and added jungle....

I took out the two large circular land borders out... I didn't add dark line connecting the land together.... is it noticable? Should I go back and and trace and outline along the edge to conect land pieces together?

I printed it out at the size it will be in the book, and I'm fairly happy with it, so many things aren't noticeable at the level and that's a good thing. So that the map isn't too busy I'm going to forgo putting in rivers and other features such as swamps, deserts etc. Nor are any cities going on the map. So all that is left really on this is some text ....