Old barrows in the woods, where ancient kings (or ancient evils...?) were laid to rest. Grave robbers have set up a camp to make sure all the riches given to the dead for their afterlives don't go to waste, and have already opened up one of the smaller barrows. To the north-east they are trying to tunnel their way into the main barrow. Probably not the wisest of moves...

Battlemap slash dungeon I'm working on, for VTT and print. Original size is 30x30 inches. This is just what's finished of the part that's above ground (shading for the larger menhirs still needs to be done; the central one ought to be truly massive, with its shadow reaching almost to the foot of the hill). One (maybe two) equally sized dungeon levels will follow.

After I saved this I actually reduced the size of the grass pattern as the current size made either the barrows look really small or the grass super huge.

The King's Barrows Preview1 50pc.jpg

Sorry about the reduced size and the watermarks, but if I want to sell this lateron I can't really do it any other way.

Any direct recommendations about the setup? What would I need to change? More shading to push out the features on the lower right barrow? Any details I should add/should reduce?

I'm always wary about adding too much since I can't judge all that how much is too much as I don't (currently) play tabletop RPGs.

And as always, a big thanks goes out to Boogie for supplying us with map elements.