Which style do you prefer???

I've been working on this quite a bit already, and there's allot of things behind the scenes that you won't see here, but I'm torn on which direction to take this... It matters because whichever route I decide to take will drastically change how I approach the other elements.

If I choose the lighter more subtle version, The border will be more simple probably just a thinner line, then a thicker one typical of a more 16th or 17th century style map, there won't be much more colour, maybe some shades of brown, and a bit of red possibly for the city icons which will be a dot with a ring around it, and similar to the last bookmark I did, and I'll probably go with a more rusty or faint grey for navigation lines, and maybe a hatched style title box, again old style.

But if I go with the darker one it will be more modern, typical fantasy style map of the likes of Voolf, or Johsia when it comes to style (I really like there maps, and have always wanted to emulate them) and will probably go a bit more fancy around the border with bushy trees, and hand drawn wave lines around the coast, navigation lines, and maybe a fancy compass. This style will be harder for me since it will involve allot of experimentation.

I'm kind of leaning towards the one on the left, but I'm curious what you guy's think.

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