The ones I think I've chosen are:
-Map a Mountain Location

With maybe a little Gold and Trading thrown in.

### Latest WIP ###

So this is the area I've cobbled together And where I'm planning to put the city. I wanted to kind of get terrain that could exist in reality, rather than something too unbelievable, so I got the area from good old Earth. It's been modified obviously, Wilbur, as ever, came in handy. I wanted to get a general sense of the area so I did this larger map to figure out and locate things, but basically the map will deal with the areas in red notations.

I couldn't decide which terrain between these two I like more (one of them is unpainted but I'm talking about the land shape rather than the overall look. One is softer and drape-ier, and the one with the height map painted on it is Wilbur cut and polished. I'll probably go with the second, but wanted to hear what other people had to say.
You wouldn't believe how long I spent trying to figure out how to paint that height map on to the top one before realizing I don't have to paint any of it since this isn't the map I'll be working with, but rather only the foundation.