Hi! I'm new to mapping, not artistic, and looking for software recommendations to be able to create nice looking maps within some specific constraints. I am willing to spend some money on this, especially if it will get me a lot better results aesthetically (I'd prefer results closer to Conflict of Heroes than Squad Leader). I'm technologically capable and dont shy away from complex interfaces. My main issue is a lack of artistic ability and so will be reliant on the graphics the software includes.

I mostly want to create maps on a similar scale to squad-level tactical wargames. These are generally on a hex grid (though sometimes on a square grid) where each space is roughly 20-40 meters across. So you could fit maybe one single family dwelling per space, not multiple and not one space per room or multiple spaces per room. The settings will be early 20th to modern or near-future. The settings will often, but not always, be wartime so I'll want to be able to show damage on the terrain and the buildings. I want to be able to do everything from dense urban to rural. I have included some examples of the types of maps I'd like to do (though I understand I may not be able to get to that level of quality). Would CC/CD/DD w/ SS3 be a good choice? How is the variety of selection for modern buildings in those packages?

I am also having a hard time finding examples/tutorials for this scale. It seems like most are either battlemaps/street level which are too detailed or city maps which are not detailed enough. Any pointers to tutorials on drawing maps at this scale would be appreciated.

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