So I want to design the most realistic Earth-like planet I can, possibly whole solar system but that's a pretty huge project. So where do I start, at least on the subject of the Earthlike planet? I want to have almost all variables covered (Ocean currents, jet streams, atmospheric convection cells, plate tectonics and by extension volcanism, continental shelves, different climates, if there large tides then showing that, etc.) Is there any software that will simulate this that doesn't require a supercomputer or will I have to do most of it essentially by hand? I know of a few different ones that will probably be useful but I'm no expert.
On where to start, I would think to get climate, I'd have to work with weather, and to get the weather right I'd have to assign the exact atmospheric composition and design the terrain, and to do that I'd have to work out the plate tectonics of this world, which would require an understanding of the planet's interior, size, age, and composition, no?
Also, if anyone is curious, I don't have an extremely specific purpose for this, I guess I just like worldbuilding, and maybe would like to see how realistic I can actually make this planet without using a supercomputer and having to design my own software just for this. I'd really like to be able to end up putting this planet in Blender or something and get very real-looking views of it, though on that I'll have to figure out how to make atmospheres, which if anyone here knows I'd highly appreciate that...

Also, there were several other subforrums I could have posted this in so if it's the wrong one, I'm sorry. Just figured that since I'm doing a wold map and then doing other stuff with that, this would be the right place to post this. There's also a lot more details to be worked out so ask as may questions as you like, it'll just help me pinpoint what I need to do and what information I need to create anyway.