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Thread: October 2017 Challenge: The Story of Golthra and Iriana

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    Default October 2017 Challenge: The Story of Golthra and Iriana

    I had an idea that became a sort of story. Most stories have already been written at least once, so this time I decided to go with the classic 'plea from the distressed father of a kidnapped princess' story (except that she's a lady and he's a lord), and try to make a map that included most of the Challenge words in both the story and the names of the places on the map.

    This is the text I will arrange over the map:

    My beloved people of the southern Isle

    The palace guns have been fired to summon you beneath the stars this night, for our mistress, the Lady Iriana, has been kidnapped by Golthra, the Wizard of the Axis, and whisked away all alone by his evil magic to the Temple of the Dark Knowing, where he intends to make my beautiful child his bride.

    I call upon you - all our sons and heroes, to leave your hearth and take up your sword and shield - to leave our port and set your sails for the freezing lands - there to travel the wandering road till you find and rescue the fairest gem of our land - my daughter, my child, Iriana.

    The temple where she is being held is hidden within the legendary Midnight Fortress, where a fearsome dragon with silver armour and piercing eyes of gold lies coiled about the walls.

    May your Gods be with you, and keep you safe on your journey, for the wizard is like the wind in the moon. He is everywhere - in every lonely tavern, darkened house and secret cave across the empire. And beware, oh beware the shrill cry of the temple peacocks, for it is they who stir the dragon from his frozen slumber.

    Go now, and I pray you be victorious!

    Lord Murray of the Southern Isle

    I think I got them all?

    That was fun, Diamond

    Now I guess I have to make the map to go with it
    Last edited by Mouse; 10-07-2017 at 10:29 AM.

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