Gold Caverns have been here since the mountain first formed, but were undiscovered until gold prospectors broke into them by accident a few hundred years ago. There never was any natural gold in the mountain, or so tis said, yet the caverns seem to glow with a golden light of their own, which may be caused by bacterial growth on the cavern walls

There are secrets hidden here that no one fully understands, and a very deep (some say bottomless) pit right at the heart of the system, from which faint sounds are known to echo from time to time...

No grid yet, and this is 150% final size because I always work larger than final map size. Its also only a draft, as I feel my way around how to draw a dungeon!

Please let me know if I've got the cavern walls too close to the edge, or put the exits in a weird place? Thanks

### Latest WIP ###
Dungeon 01.jpg