Hello all,

Not sure if this is right place to ask this but here it goes:

Im looking for a map maker. Simple one that needs to fill these requirements:
1. Its free. Or functions that i need it to do are free.
2. Simple and easy to use.
3. Online or normal software that can be accessed and shared online.
4. With base map something like a google map but not necessarily that one
5. Ability to add location marker on map based on GPS, to name that location add description for it and sub categorize all added locations. Also list by name would be great for all locations.
6. Locations can be searchable.
7. Multiple people can add changes to map as moderators and map is only visible to them or to people shared with.

I dont know if anything like this exists but if you know some mapmaker that can do all that or most of above mentioned please share with me.

Map makers that ive found online so far including googlemaps are not sufficient enough. THey have limitations and mostly you can only add locations based on name allready put in google maps not a new location based on GPS.
