Back in October 2016, we had a Halloween challenge that was based on vampires.
As is often the case, I try to start a map for many of the challenges.
I don't always make a wip thread right away because i don't know if I'll have time to finish.

This was one of those. I started, got a good ways into it, and quickly realized I could not finish on time.
So I never made a wip thread. But, I do still try to work on them as time goes by.
It's always harder if too much time passes. That was the case here.
It is actually more illustration than map, but I'll post it anyways.

I decided to go with the vampire in the Hellsing manga/anime, Alucard.
Which is a not too clever reversal of Dracula.
I just really enjoyed the anime. I enjoy the guy who does the voiceover for the english dub.
Some anime I watch in Japanese, but others not.

Anyways, this was fun, generally speaking, to work on.
I got to mess with lots of interesting things in here.
The map part is supposed to show a new series of vampire outbreaks as the spread across Europe heading into the UK and Ireland, thus bringing in the Hellsing Organization.
I was going to do more with conflict between Hellsing and Iscariot, but, well, it didn't happen.
Here it is.

Hellsing Map by sirinkman3.jpg