Quote Originally Posted by moop123 View Post
I can't find a thread for hand 'drawn' maps but this seems to be the place. I have done a couple drafts of this map. It has been done of 4 A-4 sized sheets of paper and all
done by hand. I am soon going to move this project onto something simple like auto-realm to get a digital base for a much bigger project on a piece of software more suited to very
detailed maps. However at the moment this is what I have. The pics (photos, since I don't have a scanner at the moment) should look as though they are joined together however they
might be slightly off. As I took a pic of each one to make it easier to look at the map as a whole. I hope you like it, waiting for feedback.

western empires.jpgeastern races.jpg
Orcish sands.jpgCrag'Mar.jpg
Have you since found a thread devoted to hand drafting maps?