Quote Originally Posted by Yasha Oqlie View Post
I hope it's ok that I'm chiming in on this. I think maybe some visual presentation might help with the problem of the poles. This is a map I'm working on that's really in early stages but should help illustrate the point.
Thanks for the visuals Yasha Oqlie. They did help me to figure out what I was doing incorrectly (I hope).

Quote Originally Posted by whisper_my_name View Post
Oh my!!! Thank you so much for sharing your Terrain Palettes!!!
Whisper_my_name: I am glad you like the textures. I had not really seen several of the textures done in black and white before in a style I really liked so I thought I would give it a shot. I hope to update these in the future as I come up with better ideas.

Also, here is my latest version from a g. projector image. It is in the Eckert Projection but I am unsure why there is a thin strip of white at the north pole. I cant find a way to be rid of it...

Eckert Projection of world map.png