My completed map for the Jan/Feb. 2018 lite challenge, “map a hidden entrance.” The isometric dungeon map and the map inset were drawn by hand (pencil and paper), then colored and generally futzed with in Photoshop. I drew all of the map doo-dads by hand, but digitally, using a Wacom Intuos tablet. The mug of beer is my photo.

WIP thread is here.

Some of the old folks still tell tales of the heroic Gryphon Riders, knights in steel blue armor who battled the insane demi-god Zurzavar and his black dragon, Kaos. Legend has it that the final members of their order are entombed in a hidden chamber deep within the towering mountains of Penryth. The myths speak of a path through the Shrouded Forest, a path marked with ancient runes and cairns, which starts upriver from the sleepy town of Holdfast. Is there such a path? Does it truly lead to an entrance to the mountain? What treasures might await the brave adventurer who seeks the tomb? There is but one way to find out...

Tomb of the Gryphon Riders FINAL v2 fancy (sm).jpg