Hi all, I'm after a village map with some speciic requirements, but the rest up to artistic license. It's for a game session, not to be used commercially. I'd prefer it to isometric since I love that style, but as I can't afford to pay anyone, beggars can't be choosers, and any style you're comfortable with will be fine.


1) River. I'd like a river, flowing north to south, doesn't have to be too wide, but enough that small boats at least can travel down it. The village can be to one side or other of the river, or have the river split the village in half (with a bridge if that's the case.

2) Early / High medieval style - think Late Anglo-Saxon or early Anglo-Norman. Buildings mostly wood and thatch, an occasional stone building for important buildings.

3) Mill. Can be wind or water powered, your choice.

4) Smithy. Every village should have a blacksmith, after all.

5) Watch tower. Wooden construction, or simple stone tower (only 2-3 levels). No big manor house, keep or castle, just somewher for the local watchman and his mate to hang out and watch for anything dangerous headed their way.

6) No wall. This is just a small village, not a walled town. If there's room, hints of farmed fields around the village.

7) About 20-30 buildings in total, at least half of which are just normal houses, with a vegetable plot, few trees, maybe small outbuildings like chicken coops or pig sties.

Small inn, with stables, possibly with a short wall around it, as a central focus of the town.

9) Small temple / meeting hall. Something that can be used for general meetings of the villagers, as well as religious services.

10) Witch's hut off to the side of the village - perhaps on the other side of the river, or in a wooded ara adjacent to the village. Should have a small herb garden and fenced area for her animals too.

I hope these demands aren't too onerous, and still allow you to flex your creative muscles. Hopefully some of you would be able to work on this as a practice session. Thank you for your interest if you do decide to help out.