That's a great map, especially for a first try. You've included a lot of interesting detail that kept me looking at it zoomed in a buch.

Looking at it, here's how I'd tweak:

1) I think the mountain ranges are too dense, and too monocolor. Thin them out a bit, and use the varicolor mountain symbols, slightly tweaking the color every click or two. Yes, it's a pain, but it makes a huge difference.

2) Break up the monotony of the underlying green land. Make some transitional terrain -- desert and green, verdant land don't typically abut.

3) Use effects. An edge fade for where the land meets water, just like the one where the different bands of water meet.

4) That compass doesn't really fit the style of the map IMO.

5) Add some transparency to the whirlpool to get it to blend with the rest of the water.

Nice start!