So a while ago I posted a set of maps of the Kingdom of Thayal. I decided that I'm going to expand that setting with more maps and this is the next one, the city of Garven.

Garven is a mostly rural city located in the north-western part of Thayal. It sits on the shores of Lake Yathal. Garven is mostly self-governed and doesn't want much to do with the crown. Ever since the orcs came from the west, Garven has thrived. Many merchants stop and sell their wares in Garven, before they return back home. The king has called on Garven for aid, but has not received a response as of yet. This is really all that I came up with.

Garven Small.jpg

I'll be working on at least two other maps from my Thayal setting and then release them on my website and DriveThruRPG, and sister companies. For now I just wanted to share it with you!

And as always, let me know what you think!