My first map, taken all the way to completion. It was a long process, two years in the making, with much trial and error along the way. Thankfully, I had the Cartographer’s Guild to help assist me on my journey. I learned much from the website’s tutorials, WIPs and the postings/ideas of much more adept Cartographers. CG has been a great inspiration to me during this process.

Now, to the map…
The map depicts Harondor, a Province of Gondor, in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Harondor translates from Sindarian (Grey Elf Language) to English as, ‘South Gondor’. The map attempts to grab a moment in Tolkien’s History, essentially a period directly after the ‘Great Plague’ of T.A. 1636. The map’s year is T.A. (Third Age) 1645. The map is intended to tie into the Middle-earth Role-Playing Maps that stopped short of depicting Harondor. Indeed, the maps are done in mimicry of the MERP maps created by Peter Fenlon. Think of this map as a continuation or extension from where he stopped. I was not able to completely duplicate Fenlon’s style but I feel what I produced is close enough and ties in well enough with his maps.

This map is scheduled to appear in a Tolkien Fanzine Magazine called, Other Minds. The magazine is a non-profit, with no ads, it is available for free download here:
Issue 20 is due out real soon, maybe after the New Year. Great magazine for Tolkien and RPG fans.

The excellent artwork in the margins and on the border is probably recognizable to many of you. It was done by Ilanthar, of our very own Cartographer’s Guild. I commissioned him to produce it and as you can see, he basically steals the show. An excellent person to collaborate with, Ilanthar had great suggestions and I found us both on the same page quite quickly. On top of his talent as an Artist and Cartographer, he is easy to get along with and a real credit to the Cartographer’s Guild. Top Notch!


Harondor Final 4.jpg