I want to create some urban locations, and possibly create a larger map with some streets in the rain, with these locations populating it.

The first location I'm doing is a Ramen restaurant, which is a common staple in many sci-fi and cyberpunk settings. While creating a counter, some bar stools, a kitchen on the opposite side of the counter and a uni-sex restroom is all you need, which is fairly easy to do, in any map or 3D scene, the devil is in the details. You only need to create enough detail to sell you into accepting what a map is supposed to depict. For a ramen shop, the obvious inclusion, is this, which I place a couple on the counter. I looked online for a free 3D model of ramen, but no luck, I only found a $10 ramen model, and whose gonna pay $10 for ramen ever... not me, so I made this instead... just a preview on what's coming next! Not a map yet, just one map object, but it's a start. Enjoy!

