Hello all! I currently am running a campaign and was looking for someone who is good at making city maps. Im flexible on price, but my cap would be $50. I hope thats a good enough range to work with. Style doesnt really matter as long as it fits the setting im going for, which i will describe in more detail once an artist has been found.

As for the description, This will be the largest city in this duchy (it is the home of a duke, and his army is stationed in the castle outside the main city). There is a high wall surrounding the city, and there are remains of older walls within the limits of the city. Population of roughly 35,000 individuals. Roughly 2 miles in diameter. If more detail is needed, I am more than happy to provide.

Dimensions of map art: Preferably 1920x1080, but im willing to be flexible on that.

PM me on here or ask questions on the post and i will respond asap.