Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
Not so much to show elevation changes as opposed to just giving a bit of texture instead of a flat color. In the long run, I may end up using a flat color.

For the most part, I'm just experimenting on the side with full digital generation while working the hand drawn version at the same time. The biggest problem I face with hand drawn maps is that I do them on a very large scale (i.e. world maps being the size of a wall map) so scanning them in is a bit of a chore since I have to do it piece by piece and then try to put them together.


Ah... if your not trying for an elevation map underwater, you may want to try something a bit more subtle. Your using Paint Shop Pro, is that right? Unfortunately, I have no idea how it works, so can't give any direct help. Can you create noise/clouds in PSP? and if so, how much control do you have over the outcome? Also, does the version you are using have layer masks? I am kind of thinking along the lines of creating a texture using noise/clouds and bump mapping that and then using a layer mask to block out the land shape, at least that's what I would do in GIMP, but not sure if PSP (or your version) has those features.