... Marsh? Bog? Swamp? I never know the right word for that! Anyway. I've always loved isometric maps for the sense of depth and immersion they give, plus they're so damn cute! As I'm beginning to master Gimp, I wanted to try something new and challenging. So here it is! It's not part of the fictional world I'm writing about, but it will have some world-building features of its own when the time for landmarks and legend comes.


Even though this first draft took me a lot of time, I'm much more efficient than for my previous map. I created a layer for each item and kept track of every one of them by naming/labelling them. Phew!

Now, what remains to be done:

- I want to duplicate it and create a night version of the marsh. In the end, I'd like it to be a "double map".
- I fancy a sectional elevation landscape for the border at the bottom of the map, like this:


I'll keep you informed of my progress, feel free to comment/criticize/advise