When considering what to do this month, I thought it would be fun to show a prosperous little island on the verge of a dramatic change. The subject of my map, the island of Wyrmslair, is just such an island.

Historically, Wyrmslair, as the name indicates, was the home of a menacing, powerful, immortal great dragon. The dragon perched itself on the top of the massive tower in the center of the island, most of the time, making itself visible for miles around the little island. The few residents of the island worshiped the dragon as their lord and provided for its every want and need. Nonetheless, as the centuries rolled by, the great wyrm became bored with its little home and left the island promising to one day return.

As we know, the memory of man is a fickle thing. As the years passed, people came and went while history faded into legend. The inhabitants of the little island slowly drifted away and soon Wyrmslair laid abandoned. The legend of the great dragon who ruled the island and its people slowly became myth.

More years passed and a new people came to settle the island after discovering valuable minerals in the islands one little mountain. Naturally, they found the ruins and, fearing them to be haunted, gave them a wide berth, particularly the tower, which was dangerous to reach.

Time passed and the town grew into several small settlements, laying the scene for my map. Today is a big day in the history of the island, of course. The great dragon returns to its long-abandoned home of Wyrmslair, finding it to be much changed. What happens next is entirely up to you.

Thanks for checking out my map. I hope you like it! Any comments, suggestions, ideas, etc. are certainly welcome.

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