Here I am revising another very old map from long, long ago. How long? Long enough that I have no idea. It was quick and sloppy even for my youth. I certainly knew about better ways to draw a forest than looping scribble.


It was not without reason that I dubbed it "The Lame Map" when scanning. Should be easy to improve on, right?

Well, here's what I have so far:

The Lame Map Revised.png

I actually used a layer mask for the first time. So, progress. Anyway, this is the point where I realized that I don't have an idea of how I want to do mountains on this map. The original used the upside-down V approach, but even with more effort put into drawing them, I think side-view mountains would not fit well with the rest of the features. Any thoughts on this conundrum? Of course, any other thoughts on the map are welcome, but the mountains are what is vexing me.