Greetings Cartographers!

It can be such a satisfying feeling to return to unfinished projects, can't it? I began this map over two years ago, and between dissatisfaction with the way it was turning out, and a commission that took my attention elsewhere, I just never got around to finishing it. But apparently quarantine breeds creativity, and I found myself with time to spare for some old maps, so allow me to present the Island of Noelani R'eo!

A few years ago, I entered a map in one of the challenges and as I was going through the construction of the final product, which was a very colonial chart-esque map I thought to myself, it would be really interesting to see the same area mapped from the point of view of people who occupied it before outsiders "discovered" it. Here is that map, the Isle of St. Jezebeth. It's companion piece is now complete and though it isn't everything I had hoped for when I set out to initially, I'm pretty pleased with the end result overall.

Hope you enjoy!

Noelani R'eo_FinalSmall.jpg