By the Forest's Edge flat.jpg
Whenever I'm allowed I like to go off the path. I'm very curious and I always hope to discover something just behind that tree or right over there at the far side of that hill. Sometimes my curiosity is rewarded and I go home with a new tale to tell.

This is a really fun style to draw in, and I'm exploring what's possible and how to make it look good. One of my goals is to add life to the images I make which led me to drawing a lot of animals, most of them birds. Can you find them all? I've drawn more than I could fit in here and I can't wait to show you

By the Forest's Edge IG a.jpg
The bird in the happy little tree. Guess what I watch during drawing

By the Forest's Edge IG b.jpg
It's a salmon! Is it bad that my first instinct is to go 'yummy'?

By the Forest's Edge IG e.jpg
Some of the animals I drew for this picture, not all of them made it in though, but some managed to sneak out and into other drawings