I mostly started on this map with the idea of being more considerate of like, terrain and geography, which is something I do know I struggle with. I was trying to get used to fading the biomes together and more naturally mixing land types. The biomes are a little close together- also, I changed my mind on distance. Distance is ANOTHER issue I have processing, I don't know if anyone's got some tips or tricks to looking at something and figuring out the distance, but man I just cannot wrap my head around it. I think currently, at least according to a walking calculator I found online, it'd take between 7 and 11 days to get to Barzor'Baine- but then, as I was thinking about it, it would make more sense for it to take about a month for people to get there, in which case, there should be a great deal more towns centered around the main roads or travel paths between these main hubs. It's a work in progress, haha.

Also what is the "Latest Work In Progress" tag typically used for? Would I used it here?

It's made with Wonderdraft, so no hand drawn aspects here, but sometimes I just like putting together maps.
