A rocky planet was struck by two galactic sized space dragons locked in battle and their plummet to the ground triggered a chain reaction which still burns to this day.

What should this planet be named? Draconis was already taken in this challenge XD

### Latest WIP ###
it burns where they fell.jpg

I used a sun from my latest Roll20 kit, a Solar System Maker, but made original planets for the decoration out of the map I made, doing both the front and back side. I didn't do 3D art for it, I just distorted it with the fish eye filter to get the planet cutouts.

I might add some more decorative veins of lava, maybe a compass, I would like to integrate the lore into it somehow but I don't have any good ideas for how to add a lore panel. This is kind of like sci-fantasy, so I'd like to work with that. I was thinking of putting draconic text in the frame runner but maybe it's best with that breathing room.