portolan chart #2 low res..jpg

Totally hand drawn imaginary mappa mundi inspired by the theory of Pangea Proxima, with a lot of personal interpretation.

Portolan chart style - which includes the 32 rhumb lines, the wind rose and the latitudes - spherical projection.

The “toponymy” consists of the words of the very first sentence of the so-called “Unity Prayer” attributed to Martin Luther, in its French version :

“Dieu éternel et miséricordieux, Toi qui es un Dieu de paix, d’amour et d’unité, nous Te prions, Père, et nous Te supplions de rassembler par ton Esprit Saint tout ce qui s’est dispersé (...)”

The circular black and white frame reproduces and joins (with some
personal interpretation...) elements of Romanesque sculpture present on the archivolts of the portale maggiore della Basilica di San Marco, Venezia.