I'm starting a small village map.
First I started with a rough sketch of the structure of the village.
Took me a bit of back and forward to get things in place. To be honest, I didn't have a clear idea of what the village would look like.
I have a small story for it, but for now, it only defined that the village would be on one side of a river, and on the other side there would be a forest, where an old hag lived. I was already going to make a village, but then a IG map/lore started and I decided to take advantage of it to make something with a bit more meaning.

So, here is my initial lore:

And my first sketch of the village:

I already started inking and will be back with the final drawing once I've finished.
Any comments will be welcome. Even if I am not able to incorporate them in this map, it will help me improve future ones.