May I proudly present to you my newest creation: The Kingdom of Rasfadal. Some of you may recognize this kingdom and you are correct: I originally made a map of the kingdom in the summer of 2019. This project has been a wild ride. I started way back in July 2020, using the Rasfadal template only for a style test. I tried using the Kingdom Come: Deliverance style and apply it to my old map. It quickly turned into a passion project that I would end up spending 100+ hours on. Along the way I fleshed out te setting in much more detail that I did before and in the end it has become the map that I am most proud of.

New Kingdom of Rasfdal Small 2.jpg

Welcome to the Kingdom of Rasfadal! Rolling hills, covered in a soft blanket of grass stretch out as far as the eye can see. It is an idyllic kingdom. However, even the peaceful Kingdom of Rasfadal is involved in the politics of the world.
The Kingdom of Rasfadal is also known as ‘The Countryside Kingdom’. Its countryside is large. Most of the people of Rasfadal are farmers and live on the land. There are a small number of larger towns and cities, but you won’t find large urbanized areas here.
The people of Rasfadal are mostly hospitable and generous. They live in their cottages, far away from other people, but they welcome strangers and travelers, often sharing their food.

Even the towns and cities are quite small compared to those in other kingdoms. They too reflect the countryside that is so inherent to the Kingdom of Rasfadal. The only thing that sets these larger hubs apart from the villages and hamlets, are the lords’ manors and castles that overlook these towns. These lords are vassals of King Staar II, and they are forever fighting amongst themselves for power.

But there is a darker side to Rasfadal as well.

There has always been a great rivalry between Rasfdal and the neighboring kingdom of Burbry. The past ten years the kingdoms were at war with each other. It was a devastating war for both sides, and by the end of it, neither side gained anything. Many men died and as a result many of the town and cities are scarcely garrisoned.

There are also dangers in the kingdom itself: werewolves hide in the forests to the north. When the soldiers and guards that kept them at bay went to the war, the werewolf populations has started increasing rapidly. This used to be a serious, but manageable problem. Now it’s gotten out of and and the forest areas have become more and more dangerous. Besides werewolves, people need to watch out for hags. They will disguise themselves as beautiful women to lure unsuspecting people into the swamps where they'll capture them and even eat them. These are just some examples of the horrible creatures that plague the kingdom.

To the north are the Swamps, a lawless region completely taken over by bandits. When the kings troops left, bandits came over The Swamps like a plague. Before long, various gangs had taken control of the main roads, demanding a 'toll' from everyone that wanted to pass. Some of the leaders of these gangs felt opportunistic and decided to spread their influence to nearby settlements and call themselves bandit-kings.

The king has grown old and tired, and the long war has cost him his son and heir. All his vassals have their eyes on the old man ready to take do whatever it takes to take the throne the moment the king passes.

As always, let me know your thoughts!
