The title says it all. I've loved maps all my life and I truly have no idea why I haven't tried to draw them myself before.
I have several maps hanging on the walls of my apartment (be it land maps or celestial ones). Every time I see a map in a new fantasy book I'm about to read, I am instantly excited. The only good grades I got in history and geography classes back in school were when I had to study and redraw maps. Any video game that has a beautiful map immediately scores points with me. Maps, maps, maps.
So when my most recent dungeons and dragons' dungeon master said he didn't have a map for his custom world, something just clicked in my head and I said "I'll make you one!". I realised very quickly that I had no idea what I was getting myself into, that I hadn't really drawn anything in over a decade, knew close to nothing about digital painting (I usually do watercolours), and was terrified every time I opened Photoshop. I am sometimes the embodiment of the saying "biting off more than you can chew".
After a bit (a lot) of experimentation with softwares, brushes, trying to figure out some sort of a workflow, and a lot of studying what fantasy cartographers do, I'm finally starting to like what I'm doing.
I'm still working on this one map (it's huge, why do I do this to myself!), all at once figuring out my style, how to draw things, how to paint things (I suck at color, it's just a fact), how to fight photoshop without crying, what I like and don't like...and it's nowhere near done. My drawing style has always been a little cartoony and tiny-doodly and I think it works really well with this and I think Photoshop isn't that scary once you follow a few tutorials.

I can't wait to see what this forum has to offer, and maybe share my little bits of progress and improvements. So, onwards!

Software: Krita, PS CC 18
Hardware: Huion NEW1060PLUS