Cue the flashback sequence...

In October 2020, the regular Challenge was to produce a Halloween themed map. My entry was "The Pumpkin Patch". The lore provided was short:

Rumors have reached you ears of a mysterious wanderer and his acolytes, wandering from farm to farm looking for "a place that is right". Exactly what he is seeking is uncertain, but your investigation leads to a confrontation on a pumpkin field on All Hallows' Eve, where a small group is conducting a strange ritual.
I had plans for a scenario to be built around this. Unfortunately, this is as far as I got:


A good start, but incomplete. Then, I lost the working file. I still have the leaf and pumpkin elements that I created then (they're available in my map elements thread), and I have thought about how to make my process quicker (creating whole segments of leafed vines that can be reused, rather than trying to add leaf cluster to match a mess of individually-drawn vines, should make things go a lot faster), so I'll be giving this a second attempt, with the expectation that this time, it will be completed in under a month, and with no perceptible loss of sincerity.