Update #12 - A Change of Style

I been wachting this guy videos and streams, it got me quite inspired to try something more realistic looking.

So i made a few topograpfic brushes:

Topo Brushes.jpg

Then i run some tests using the Bevel and Emboss layer effect in this height map:


Using this configuration:


The Results are quite intresting:

Inner Bevel.jpg
Outer Bevel.jpg
Pillow Stroke.jpg

This work quite simply, one solid color layer server as background and another solid color layer (full white, this is usefull later) as the reliefe, this second layer as the Fill option set to 0%, this way only the shadows and highlights of the effect stay visible and a full black layer mask is added to this second layer. Finally all we have to do is to use the brushes the draw the height map in the layer mask.

My plan is to combine this basic technique with the, all mighty, Eriond tutorial by arsheesh, ending in something like this:

[full white layer] [Height map in the layer mask] --> Copy with the fill in 0% and bevel and emboss effects
[Gradient maps]
[full white layer] [Height map in the layer mask] --> Fill in 100% and no effect.
[full black layer]

Of course, this is a gross simplification, a real attenpt will have many more layers for more control and variety, for exemplel, separeted height map and effect layers for hills and mountains with diferent opacities and effect configs.