Hey there! I'm Patrick or DeductibleTaxes from South Africa. I've been interested in fantasy map-making (Specifically relating to world-building) for as long as I can remember, having had a full box of maps from when I was a kid/early teen (Which has recently gone missing in a series of renovations :( ). Recently I've been trying to get more "serious" about the hobby, especially in relation to a world-building project I've currently got going on for a pathfinder setting I'm planning for my group's next campaign (A sort of world war one fantasy setting with slightly more primitive tech). I really enjoy browsing other people's maps and the stories therein so I should have a good time around these parts!
Last thing I can think of for an introduction is that my maps generally try to include some level of realism, however I'm never going to claim that they're realistic as I enjoy including some more fantastical elements and geographies as well. This philosophy applies to my world-building more generally wherein I enjoy limited realism, although I enjoy and admire settings that both aim for realism to the nth degree and those that altogether abandon it.