Hello, All.

After spending a good deal of time reading through old threads in which Steel General, Turgenev, Gamerpainter and others have posted their temple creations, I have decided to start creating "top-down" building structures of my own. I would like to thank all three of the above mentioned people for the inspiration I have drawn from their beautiful creations.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I've gotten the impression it is better to create a new thread for each new creation as opposed to continually posting new material in the same thread? Am I correct in this assumption?

As time goes by and I get both better and more confident, I plan on branching out and start creating more temples, castles, religious buildings, etc. -- pretty much any interesting top-down building type -- and posting my work in this forum.

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As my first temple, I would like to introduce to you the Temple of Krv Zrtva (which, in the Serbian language, loosely translates to Blood Sacrifice).

Please note that all colors are only placeholders in order to differentiate between layers.

Without giving too much of the "store" (and backstory) away, let's suffice to say that this is the building in which the High Priest and his underlings take the ultimate sacrifice and present it to the Blood Sacrifice god.

More as the temple is created.

Here is my WIP of the temple:

Temple of Krv Zrtva (Serbian for Blood Sacrifice) copy.jpg

As always, I welcome and solicit your comments.

