Quote Originally Posted by Miss Yuurei View Post
Thank you! I never seen it from that perspective, but I may approve that it really boosts your patience just like doing puzzles and drawing. But what I really think is great about mapping is the little dreamy, fantasy aspect, allowing you to imagine what where could be placed ... To me this buissnes seems very romantic So I'll try my best.
Of course I'd be really glad if I could help out somewhere translating scripts and some works!
But I'm really happy for this little insight of the forum! It's great to see how people that share the same passion can be on such a good communicative basis as here!

First off, welcome. It's always good to see another new face.

I completely agree with you about the "romance" of cartography. Some of these folks put quite a bit of passion into their maps, and it shows. The creative process of actually making a map can be a very satisfying one, indeed.

I think a Russian-themed map would be a wonderful concept, and one that I haven't seen yet. I'm sure that if someone approaches it, you'll be an invaluable resource for translating names!

Again, welcome. I hope your time here is as satisfying as mine has been.