Quote Originally Posted by Korash View Post
I have a question about this. Actually a request for clarification.

What I have done in the past if I wanted to use a map posted here (CC or Rights Reserved) but not modify it, is to have it on screen and show it to the players when the time comes. Before the game, or if I remembered too late - during, I come to the guild and bring up the maps that I wanted and display them in the browser. Is that do-able?

If there is a map that I like and want to use after modification, I would download it and then work on it. My impression is that I am not allowed to have a copy of reserved work on my computer, but if it is modified by me to a degree that makes it significantly different from the original, that would be ok. Am I correct or should I be looking over my shoulder for the lawyers? I want to know 'cause I REALLY do not want to steal anyone's thunder (nor money out of pocket) and would prefer to do the right thing.

I know there is a thread somewhere on just this subject but I can't find it atm.
I am certainly not a lawyer, but I think showing the map should be ok, as long as the creator didn't say anything about forbidding it.

Modifying a map... now that's going to be tricky without prior consent I think.