Hi all,

Well Easter has given me time to put some thought into my map. Below is the latest WIP version with all the coastlines how I want them (Finally!).

Sub-Continent Export.png

To get this far I randomly generated continents in Fractal Terrains with just black (sea) and white (land) for colours. I exported jpegs of anything that interested me and imported those into Inkscape. There I traced them and fiddled with nodes until my eyes bled. The end result is as you see above.

I have a grand plan, all scribbled over this image on another layer in Inkscape. It would probably bore you all though so I haven't included it.

Anyway I'm currently chopping and changing my mind every five minutes about where to go from here. I want to import it into some sort of heightfield editor, World-Machine or Wilbur or something else, but I can't decide yet. Even then I'm not sure whether to hand paint the mountains on and then erode them a little bit or make up an erosion mask for areas that I don't want to erode too much and then let the heightfield editor go to town on it. If anyone has a better idea I could really use the direction.

I'd expect this one to be a long WIP. I really want to go overboard with this one and build up a whole history etc.

Any way all comments welcome.