So, as a full-fledged member of the guild (apparently 50 posts), I feel half-way obligated to enter this challenge, both because of the new status, and to contribute to the Guild's CWP. Time is short, and no friend of mine (look at the time taken for my other town), but my hope is I am now armed with some values that I am reasonably satisfied with, which will lessen the time I require. I may not make the contest deadline, but I will finish the map. So, I will drink to optimism, and post an entry.

Scanning through maps in CWP thread, I had to stop on reaching Map 13, Groam. It seems a particular town was calling to me.

{Region 01][Map 13][Town 05] Feral.png

Questions; @ Torq or anyone who knows.
Population- Approximate size and racial distribution.
What is meant by the Red Label (as opposed to the yellow)?
Any notable features or other ideas related to this particular town.

I will try to tie up my other project and begin land-form while I await the answers (if any are forth-coming).