Looking good so far Novarri. Are you going to make the final version of the map handdrawn as well or digital? It would be awesome if you did the village entirely in Sketchup btw I have seen some great Sketchup towns and cities.

Anyway, I can't really help you with your question how much farmland would be needed to support the village. Just remember there could also be some trade going on, hunting and gathering.

Some other places of interest you might add:

- Cemetery
- Inn/tavern (depending if the town sees any traffic, maybe because of the church or the shrine? The church could be a place of worship for surrounding communities. Also, watermills were relatively rare in medieval times, so the mill could also attract a lot of farmers from surrounding communities)
- Maybe a small shop
- A place where festivals can take place or where a peddler can set up shop.
- A well (maybe not necessary because of the river)

Not sure if a small town like this would have a barracks. Do they have fulltime soldiers? Who pays them?
I wouldn't expect to see a theatre in such a small town either.
The baker would probably live in the watermill, right?

Oh, a town of 60 souls is really small. Families tended to be large in medieval times. I wouldn't expect more than 10 to 15 houses!