Depending on your definitions, I would have Ki not equal Psionics. My thought on Ki has always been more like Psionics in that it is an internal only energy. ie, each person had Ki, but inanimate objects did not. Given a new definition of Ki, frankly, it sounds more like some settings explanation of magic.

Specifically, the D&D Frogotten Realms setting describes magic as an energy that exists and surrounds people and things. A practictioner of magic has learn to take the various "threads"(the setting has used this analogy) of magical energy and "weave" them together to create a magical effect. Most wizards just use magic, but in some of the novels, there have been a few characters who could actually see the threads of magic in a way similar to how Neo could see the matrix(though these books were created prior to the Matix movies).

In any event, thats just another opinion on the whole thing....