The working title of this entry, "Devil's Head" is based on the happy accident of the shape of the land mass that evolved from my effort. I made many choices that led to the end result, but I assert that I did not realize how diabolical my coastline looked like until I was almost done.

This region was created using Photoshop and a version of Ascension's excellent continent building tutorial. Now I am neither an experienced Photoshop user or a skilled instruction follower, so any shortfall in this presentation can be attributed to me, not to my teacher.

Having learned much from my first complete run-through on the tutorial, especially the need to go very easy on the mountains, I decided to make another map for the purpose of this contest, this method being the only tool I own. The results you see below are preliminary. I have coastline, and Island, some rivers and plenty of mountains, but no forests or settlements yet. There is little time left, another nine days, but I will post any significant progress I make and make sure to include a finished product before the deadline of June 10th.

Although I have only been here a short time, I have been made to feel welcome and have been offered much encouragement. Thank you all for your hospitality. I hope I can someday repay you by offering the same to others.
