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Thread: Ice Tower Floorplans

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    Post Ice Tower Floorplans

    Here's the Ice Tower floorplans, finally at a demonstrable WIP stage. Comments please on any and every aspect from drawing skills (which I know are minimal) to castle layout design.
    Any suggestions for the empty rooms will be welcome.

    I imagined this castle maybe thirty years ago and made a few rough sketches at the time, but I was limited by my lack of artistic ability. About 5 years ago I discovered Dungeonforge and attempted to recreate the castle digitally, but DF's zoom function wasn't up to the task, though it helped tremendously with smaller projects. Six months ago I discovered Viewingdale, and was at last able to begin a digital floorplan of this castle.
    Now at last I can show it and get some feedback.

    The outdoor map of the castle and environs is still on the virtual drawing board - rocks and snow are a nightmare to draw effectively - especially for a non-artist.

    Scale: The castle is 100ft square, with 30ft towers and 10ft walls. It is 300ft high.

    Copyright: I'm still hoping to use this in a book one day, so although you are welcome to make use of it in a personal game, otherwise all rights are reserved. Thanks.


    Somewhere in the Frozen North, on a rocky knoll within the crater of an extinct volcano, stands the Ice Tower, built of white stone and covered in permafrost. This is the abode of the evil Ice Queen, and the lava caverns honeycombing the mountain beneath the castle are the (currently unmapped) lair of her orc army and other denizens of darkness.

    Level -2:
    The foundations of the castle hold the torture chamber and dungeon, with cells in the outer walls. A trapdoor in the floor drops into the caverns, whilst a wide stair joins the torture chamber to the throne room three floors above for the convenience of Her Majesty's entertainment. The only other exit is via the southeast tower and guardroom.

    Level -1:
    The basement holds the Queen's stables. The main stair does not connect with this floor, but passes through. The exits are via the corner towers and via a ramp to the courtyard.

    Level 0:
    The ground floor of the castle houses the workshops and the courtyard. The gatehouse holds a double gate, portcullis, drawbridged pit and a second portcullis.

    Level 1:
    The first floor contains the throne room, with a dais backed by a tapestry. Behind the tapestry is personal access to the Queens (northeast) Tower. Only the Queen and her most trusted staff have access to this tower. The guardroom above the gatehouse has murder holes. A wooden walkway lines the walls, connecting the towers, on each floor.

    Level 2:
    The Great Hall, with its huge U shaped table is the feasting and entertainment centre for the Queen's guests. The battlemented roof of the gatehouse forms a useful watch platform over the courtyard.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Mapping a Traveller ATU.

    See my (fantasy-based) apprenticeship blog at:

    Look for Chit Chat, Sandmann's blog. Enjoy.

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