I was thinking of lightening the second one a bit, or darkening the first one a tad. But yeah, between the party being fireballed unexpectedly, and the aging effects of being in the desert area for as long as they were (3 weeks at the one location, and however long exploring the rest), plus Gromet being Gromet, it would have affected the paper. Plus, I was figuring the scribe used lower quality inks and paper to begin with, perhaps I should make reference to that.

I've also gone through and updated some spelling errors, and further modified some of the comments (shortening some, changing others slightly, and let Alwen's fastidious personality show through just a tad more with correct capitalization and punctuation).

And just because he can, Gromet will add a quick sketch of a dancing girl

The white was to have it blend in better to the background when being viewed at full size - in my browser at least there is a default white background. Perhaps if I expand outwards a bit and have them sitting on a table? I'll play around with it a bit, I also don't want to exceed the megapixel limits (it's already 5kx2.5k)