As a brand new member of the Guild, I thought I could best contribute by illustrating my workflow and showing others how much they don't suck. I've decided to sheepishly chronicle my progress on my very first attempt at a digitally drawn map in Photoshop. This is the region of Daegmyr for a fantasy adventure in development which will be used to teach my wife what gaming is all about. After a quick off-the-cuff adventure with nothing but crappy sketches on note paper, she seems to be addicted already. :) The virus spreads....

Constructive criticism is anticipated :p Go easy on me though, I've never done this before. I like my mountain technique though, which I will detail in a tutorial if I get any positive feedback. I just made it up as I went along hehehe. The ones on the small southern island came out best I think [see full size] and I might redo the others similarly.

Included is the original concept ink, ink and paint, and the current digital development stage, which is far from final. I'm considering importing hand drawn elements for the symbols and compass rose, maybe handwriting too. It doesn't look the same drawn with the Wacom and the digital versions are too digital looking I think. meh


